The City of Luna Pier is in the process of developing a new Master Plan. This Master Plan is intended to help create a long-term vision for development and redevelopment of our community. Our residents are optimistic about the future and care deeply about the place we call home. Residents also know that, while the City has many things going for it, Luna Pier can become even more desirable and livable with thoughtful, deliberate and inclusive community planning. Our belief in our community, and confidence in the future, is the reason this community is undertaking this Master Plan.
Checking in municipal web site and reading the City of Luna Pier’s Newsletter are two important ways to stay current and informed as the planning process moves forward. Residents are also welcome to contact Greg Stewart, City Administrator with specific questions. Most importantly, it is critical that residents attend the events planned in the coming year. Effective and meaningful Community Master Plans always include substantial levels of consensus-building and extensive conversations about key community issues.
The Luna Pier Planning Commission is spearheading the effort to create a new community Master Plan. When complete, the Planning Commission will adopt it, and present it to the Luna Pier City Council.
The planning process is anticipated to be completed at the end of 2009. Specific work phases include the following steps.
This start-up meeting occurred on February 23, 2009. Many organizational issues were addressed by the Planning Commission.
Baseline Information Update
This work element is underway and is expected to be complete in April 2009. Considerable information needs to be assembled to serve as a foundation for the community planning to follow. Key subjects to address as part of this work element include; land use, transportation, and public facility characteristics of the City.
Visioning Sessions
Three public visioning sessions are planned to take place in Luna Pier. These public meetings will be designed to encourage open community dialog about key issues facing the City. Residents and community stakeholders are encouraged to join with their neighbors and attend these events ready share thoughts about how Luna Pier should look and feel in the future.
Community Survey
Along with the Visioning Sessions, a community survey is being made available for residents. This survey is being conducted on-line and within the community newsletter. This survey is intended to obtain input from residents and stakeholder who are not able to attend the Visioning Sessions, or wish to participate at an even higher level.
Targeted Information Gathering
With the benefit of information gained from previous efforts, work will focus on compiling information and more detailed analyses of key elements that surfaced thus far in the planning process.
Defining General Plan Objectives and Strategies
The Planning Commission will develop a series of general objectives and strategies to be centerpieces of the Master Plan. The Planning Commission will also define development and redevelopment alternatives for consideration at the Community Planning Workshop.
Draft Plan Development
Building on the results of the entire planning process, a draft document will be produced for review and consideration.
Final Plan Development
Necessary changes to the plan will be made as it proceeds through an adoption process. As required by the new Michigan planning enabling act, the new Master Plan will be the subject of a public hearing, and a draft document will be distributed to applicable entities for review and comment.
Appendix 1 – Survey Summary
Appendix 2 – Community History
Appendix 3 – Population Characteristics Comparisons Trends
Appendix 4 – Economics
Appendix 5 – Environment and Natural Resources
Appendix 6 – Housing and Human Services
Appendix 7 – Mobility and Infrastructure
Appendix 8 – Public Facilities
Appendix 9 – Related Plans and Best Practices
Appendix 10 – Monroe County Planning Commission Review
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Master Plan Summary
Chapter 3 – Land Use
Chapter 4 – Urban Design
Chapter 5 – Environment Natural Resources Energy
Chapter 6 – Economics
Chapter 7 – Public Information and Facilities
Chapter 8 – Housing
Chapter 9 – Goals Objectives and Implementation
Luna Pier Master Plan Cover and Acknowledgements