****When making traffic ticket payments online please include the ticket number that is located on the back top of the ticket in the additional information box.
If you need to contact the police for an emergency dial 911.
For a non emergency: call 243-7070. The police dispatch center can contact the on-duty officer and have them respond or call you back.
If you would like to leave a message for the police department please call 848-4310.
The Luna Pier Police Department has the following police officers currently assigned.
Chief James Vanderaa
Officer Dave Jones
Officer Jordyn Panza
Officer Brad Vincent
Officer James Diguiseppe
Officer John Webb
Officer John Keck
Officer John Price
Officer Tim Yobak
Res. Officer Jeff King
Res. Officer Keith Blosser
Res. Officer Brian Henkel
Golf Carts are only allowed on the roadways in the City of Luna Pier.
Vehicles such as a ATV, Gator, Polaris Rangers and side by side atv’s Ect: are not allowed per the Michigan Vehicle Code. Only a few of theses vehicles where grandfathered in and able to be plated as motor vehicles before the Secretary of State stopped this program. If you see one in the City it most likely has a Michigan license plate attached. Please be aware of this and do not operate your ATV, side by side or other off road vehicles on the streets of the city.
Michigan Vehicle Code (Excerpt) Act 300 of 1949
Question or concerns please contact the police department.
The firearms range is open. Please contact the police department if you wish to use the range. You will need to sign a wavier and review the safety rules. The officer on duty will unlock the gate for you and then inspect and lock up after you leave. Anyone inside the fenced area without permission may be cited for trespassing and banned from future use of the range.
***New Fee Per Use Per Person:
The fee of $10.00 per use per person or a $50.00 per year per year per person fee for Luna Pier Resident beginning Jan 01, 2024 will be implemented. Yearly fee will be a calendar year from Jan 1, to Dec. 31 and no proration for any shorter duration. Non-Residents use of the Luna Pier Shooting Range (must be accompanied by a paid resident) with a fee of $15.00 per use per person with no yearly fee option available. A Resident’s or Non-Resident’s use of the Luna Pier Shooting Range is a privilege and not a vested right. Any violation of the requirements of this approval motion or of any properly posted rules and/or procedures applicable to the use of the Luna Pier Shooting Range shall result in the revocation of a Resident’s or Non-Residents privilege to use the Luna Pier Shooting Range. Chief James Vanderra
I have received several requests for information on curfew for children.
The following are State Laws:
Curfew for Children
Act 41, 1960.p.32; Eff. Aug 17
An ACT to regulate the hours that children under the age of 16 years may be in or around the public streets, highways, alleys and parks; and to prescribe penalties for violation of the provisions of this act.
The People of the State of Michigan enact:
722.751 Curfew for children under 12 years old.
Sec. 1. No minor under the age of 12 years shall loiter, idle or congregate in or around a public street, highway, alley or park between the hours of 10 o’clock p.m. and 6 o’clock a.m., unless the minor is accompanied by a parent or guardian, or some adult delegated by the parent or guardian to accompany the child.
722.752 Curfew for minors under age 16.
Sec. 2. A minor under the age of 16 years shall not loiter, idle or congregate in or around any public street, highway, alley or park between the hours of 12 midnight and 6 a.m. immediately following, except where the minor is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or an adult delegated by the parent or guardian to accompany the minor where the minor is upon an errand or other legitimate business directed by his parents or guardian.
722.753 Aiding underage children to violate law; misdemeanor.
Sec. 3. Any person of the age of 16 years or over assisting, aiding, abetting, allowing, permitting or encouraging any minor under the age of 16 years to violate the provisions of sectins 1 and 2 hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor.
722.754 Local regulation as to curfew
Sec. 4. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to limit any powers now or hereafter possessed by law by any township, charter township, city or village to regulate a curfew of minors.
The Luna Pier Police Department will be using the door hanger program to notify home, vehicle, and business owners of safety, security, or blight violations that are of concern. This program allows the officers to leave a courtesy notice if they observe a safety, security, or blight violation that needs to be addressed when they are unable to make contact with a person. This tool allows the officers to notify the home, vehicle, or business owner of items of concern as a way to help improve our community.
As long as the items listed on the door hanger are addressed, the home, vehicle, or business owner will not have to have any further contact with officers regarding the noted concerns.
Questions or concerns can be addressed by calling the police department at (734) 848-4310.
Chief Brett Ansel
From the Office of the Chief of Police
Remember that there is no alcohol, or glass containers allowed on the public beach. There are no fires, cooking, or grilling on the beach or pier. Dogs are not allowed unless it is a service dog and officers may ask for proof of service dog registration. Please do your part to keep our beach clean for all to enjoy.
If you wish to report yard blight, please contact the police department at 848-3410.
We have already started working on the blight issues this Spring. The Police Department is mostly concerned with trash, the items that could be placed in a garbage can and picked up weekly by AllStar Disposal. The common blight items that I have noticed are pop cans, used tires, car parts, propane tanks, and just plain trash.
All vehicles, trailers and boats must have a valid registration and be drivable /useable, tires inflated and in working condition.
The City also has zoning and blight ordinances which in summary advise that you must keep your yard clean from leaves, tree limbs and trash.
I would like to thank the property owners that have already cleaned up.
All dog owners must be in actual physical control of the dog(s) on their property or on public property. The dog cannot be free to roam and are not allowed on the public beach. All dog waste must be cleaned up on private and public property.
All City ordinances can be viewed on this website under the Clerk’s tab.
Chief James VanDeraa