City of Luna Pier


Treasurer's Office

Amber Crane, Treasurer

734-848-6495 ext. 203
TYY/ TDD & Voice: 711

Charles Boyce, Deputy Treasurer

734-848-6495 ext. 205

Tax Info

Post Office Box

Please call City Hall at 734-848-8120 ext. 203 if you have a post office box. We want to make sure this is added to your mailing address.

Pay Taxes Online

Property Taxes

The summer property taxes are due July 1 thru July 31.
The winter taxes are due December 1 thru February 14.  
City Hall is open Monday thru Friday from 7:30 am until 4:00 pm.
If you have any questions please call Dee Parran, City Treasurer, at          848-6495 ext. 203.